

10.000 times Audrey

By Diana Gorter

Dimensions  80x93cm

Technique: leather pieces on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available

The Elephant

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions  103x103cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available


By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions  103x103cm

Technique: Mixed media combined with found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available

The Bedroom

After van Gogh

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions  73x93cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available

it’s all relatively Einstein

By Diana Gorter

Dimensions  85x110cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

(Sold) Lion

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions  106x106cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available

(Sold) Vincent

After Vincent van Gogh

By Diana Gorter

Dimensions  88x120cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

(Sold) Table Mountain

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions  50x60cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available


By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions  86x128cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available

(Sold) Le fils de l’homme

After Magritte

By Diana Gorter

Dimensions 52x75cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

(Sold) Starry Night

After van Gogh 

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions 66x86cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available


After Warhol

By Diana Gorter

Dimensions 76x76cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood


After van Gogh 

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions 63x58cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available

African Woman

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions 58x76cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available

Marilyn Monroe

After Andy Warhol

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions 66x86cm

Technique: mixed media on linen

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available

(Sold) The Afghan Girl

From a photo by Steve McCurry

By Diana Gorter

Dimensions 80x120cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood


After van Gogh 

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions 62x77cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

Luxury frame

Limited edition prints available

(Sold) Tibetan Girl

From a photo by Steve McCurry

By Diana Gorter

Dimensions 80x120cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

(Sold) African Girl

By Maaike van Wijk

Dimensions 58x76cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

(Sold) Frida Kahlo

By Diana Gorter

Dimensions 83x114cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

(Sold) Girl with a Pearl Earring

After Vermeer

By Diana Gorter

Dimensions 90x130cm

Technique: found objects and reused materials on wood

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